Program Listing for File point_cloud.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/rendering/components/point_cloud.hpp)

#pragma once
#include <core/math/math.hpp>
#include <core/logging/logging.hpp>
#include <application/application.hpp>

#include <core/compute/context.hpp>
#include <core/compute/kernel.hpp>

namespace legion::rendering
    struct point_cloud

        point_cloud(mesh_handle newMesh, transform newTrans, material_handle mat, image_handle albedoMap, image_handle heightMap, uint maxPoints = 100, float radius = 0.2f)
            m_mesh = newMesh;
            m_trans = newTrans;
            m_heightMap = heightMap;
            m_AlbedoMap = albedoMap;
            //m_samplesPerTriangle = calculateSamplesPerTriangle(maxPoints);
            m_pointRadius = radius;
            m_Material = mat;
            m_maxPoints = maxPoints;
        point_cloud() = default;

        friend class PointCloudGeneration;
        //used to check if a new point cloud needs to be generated
        bool m_hasBeenGenerated = false;

        //point cloud parameters
        float m_heightStrength = 0.2f;
        float m_pointRadius;
        transform m_trans;
        mesh_handle m_mesh;
        uint m_samplesPerTriangle;
        uint m_sampleDepth;
        uint m_maxPoints;
        material_handle m_Material;
        image_handle m_heightMap;
        image_handle  m_AlbedoMap;