
Legion-FS (also known as pixl-fs) is the subordinate core module for all things file access. It provides a flexible, extensible and easy way to work with files.

The Basics

To read or write a file you need to create a view for that file

namespace fs = legion::core::filesystem;
test = fs::view("assets://examples/test.txt");

There is a few interesting things going on here:

  • First notice how we renamed the namespace from legion::core::filesystem to fs this is mostly for brevity and I would recommend to use the filesystem in this way, as file operations are rather common!

  • Second you can see that we are working with a weird file-path here. You probably do not have an assets:\\ drive on your system. Even if you did, this would not map to that. Assets is what is called a Virtual provider. We get into what that means later, for now all you need to know is that it maps to <your-project-directory>\assets\

Next let’s attempt to write to this file

fs::basic_resource resource("Hello World");

Here we can see the introduction of a basic_resource we are going to discuss what these are used for in Serialization later. For now we just need one of its basic constructors that creates a resource from a string. Using set() we can write this resource to disk at the provided location. You can also do this in one line:

fs::view("assets://example/test.txt").set(fs::basic_resource("Hello World"));

Since this is still a lot to write there is also an alternative syntax available:

//this is required once only
using namespace fs::literals;

"assets://examples/test.txt"_view.set("Hello World"_res);

if you have never used string literal-syntax before this might look quite alien to you. You do not have to use this, it is just a shorthand. For more information on user defined literals visit cppreference

Now let us read back that file:

auto contents = test.get().except([](auto err) {
    log::warn("Could not read file \"test.txt\": {}",err.what());
    return basic_resource("error");

log::debug("Contents of file: {}", contents.to_string())

Woah, what happened here ? what is all this weird syntax ? Let’s go through this step by step!

  • We reuse the good old test view here, of course you could create a new one instead, but this will work just fine.

  • Then we call the get() method of the view. Since reading a file might not succeed we have to do something about this.

  • This is where .except() comes into play, it is a function of result, you can read more about results ` here <../architecture-wiki/result.rst>`_. A result needs to be resolved, the safest way to do this is using either except or manually check if there is an error with has_err(). Here we check with except and return a different value if there was an error.

  • Finally we log the contents of the file, note that we use .to_string() to turn the basic_resouce back into a std::string.