Program Listing for File vertexarray.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/rendering/data/vertexarray.hpp)

#pragma once
#include <application/application.hpp>
#include <rendering/data/buffer.hpp>

namespace legion::rendering
    struct vertexarray
        // Managed resource with the VAO id, also has the responsibility of deleting the VAO after all copies of this renderbuffer have been destroyed.
        common::managed_resource<app::gl_id> m_id = common::managed_resource<app::gl_id>(nullptr);


        vertexarray() = default;

        explicit vertexarray([[maybe_unused]] std::nullptr_t t);

        static vertexarray generate();

        void setAttribPointer(const buffer& buf, uint index, size_type size, GLenum type, bool normalized, size_type stride, size_type offset);

        void setAttribDivisor(uint index, uint divisor);

        void bind() const;

        static void release();