Program Listing for File framebuffer.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/rendering/data/framebuffer.hpp)

#pragma once
#include <application/application.hpp>
#include <rendering/data/texture.hpp>
#include <rendering/data/renderbuffer.hpp>
#include <any>
#include <unordered_map>

namespace legion::rendering
    using attachment = std::variant<std::monostate, texture_handle, renderbuffer>;
    static const attachment invalid_attachment = std::monostate();
    struct framebuffer
        // Managed resource with the framebuffer id, also has the responsibility of deleting the framebuffer after all copies of this framebuffer have been destroyed.
        common::managed_resource<app::gl_id> m_id = common::managed_resource<app::gl_id>(nullptr);
        // Type of framebuffer, either read, write or both.
        GLenum m_target = GL_FRAMEBUFFER;

        // Attachments to the framebuffer. Can be either texture handles or renderbuffers.
        std::unordered_map<GLenum, attachment> m_attachments;


        framebuffer() = default;

        explicit framebuffer(GLenum target);

        std::pair<bool, std::string> verify() const;

        GLenum target() const;

        app::gl_id id() const;

        void bind() const;

        void attach(renderbuffer rbo, GLenum attachment);

        void attach(attachment att, GLenum attachment);

        void attach(texture_handle texture, GLenum attachment);

        void detach(GLenum attachment);

        L_NODISCARD const attachment& getAttachment(GLenum attachment) const;

        void release() const;

        L_NODISCARD operator bool() const;