Program Listing for File broadphaseuniformgridnocaching.cpp

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#include <physics/broadphasecollisionalgorithms/broadphaseuniformgridnocaching.hpp>

namespace legion::physics
    const std::vector<std::vector<physics_manifold_precursor>>& legion::physics::BroadphaseUniformGridNoCaching::collectPairs
    (std::vector<physics_manifold_precursor>&& manifoldPrecursors)


        // TODO: insert return statement here
        std::unordered_map<math::ivec3, int> cellIndices;
        for (auto& precursor : manifoldPrecursors)
            std::vector<legion::physics::PhysicsColliderPtr> colliders = precursor.physicsComp->colliders;
            if (colliders.size() == 0) continue;

            // Get the biggest AABB collider of this physics component
            // If it has one collider we can simply retrieve it
            // Oherwise we have to combine the bounds of all its colliders
            std::pair<math::vec3, math::vec3> aabb =>GetMinMaxWorldAABB();
            for (int i = 1; i < colliders.size(); ++i)
                aabb = PhysicsStatics::CombineAABB(>GetMinMaxWorldAABB(), aabb);
            math::ivec3 startCellIndex = calculateCellIndex(std::get<0>(aabb));
            math::ivec3 endCellIndex = calculateCellIndex(std::get<1>(aabb));
            for (int x = startCellIndex.x; x <= endCellIndex.x; ++x)
                for (int y = startCellIndex.y; y <= endCellIndex.y; ++y)
                    for (int z = startCellIndex.z; z <= endCellIndex.z; ++z)
                        math::ivec3 currentCellIndex = math::ivec3(x, y, z);
                        if (cellIndices.find(currentCellIndex) != cellIndices.end())
                            cellIndices.emplace(currentCellIndex, manifoldPrecursorGrouping.size());
                   - 1).push_back(precursor);

        return manifoldPrecursorGrouping;


    math::ivec3 BroadphaseUniformGridNoCaching::calculateCellIndex(const math::vec3 point)
        // A point below 0 needs an extra 'push' since -0.5 will be cast to int as 0
        math::vec3 temp = point;
        if (temp.x < 0) --temp.x;
        if (temp.y < 0) --temp.y;
        if (temp.z < 0) --temp.z;

        math::ivec3 cellIndex = math::ivec3(temp.x / (float)m_cellSize.x, temp.y / (float)m_cellSize.y, temp.z / (float)m_cellSize.z);

        return cellIndex;
