Program Listing for File HalfEdgeFace.cpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/physics/HalfEdgeFace.cpp)

#include <physics/halfedgeface.hpp>
#include <physics/halfedgeedge.hpp>
#include <rendering/debugrendering.hpp>

namespace legion::physics
    HalfEdgeFace::HalfEdgeFace(HalfEdgeEdge* newStartEdge, math::vec3 newNormal) : startEdge{ newStartEdge }, normal{ newNormal }
        static int faceCount = 0;

        DEBUG_color =math::color( math::linearRand(0.25f, 0.7f), math::linearRand(0.25f, 0.7f), math::linearRand(0.25f, 0.7f));
        math::vec3 faceCenter{ 0.0f };
        int edgeCount = 0;

        auto calculateFaceCentroid = [&faceCenter, &edgeCount](HalfEdgeEdge* edge)
            math::vec3 pos = edge->edgePosition;
            faceCenter += pos;

        centroid = faceCenter / static_cast<float>(edgeCount);

        int currentEdgeId = 0;

        auto initializeEdgeToFaceFunc = [this, &currentEdgeId, edgeCount](HalfEdgeEdge* edge)
            edge->face = this;

            int nextID = currentEdgeId + 1 < edgeCount ? currentEdgeId + 1 : 0;

            EdgeLabel label
            (std::make_pair(faceCount, currentEdgeId), std::make_pair(faceCount, nextID));

            edge->label = std::move(label);





    void HalfEdgeFace::deleteEdges()
        HalfEdgeEdge* current = startEdge->nextEdge;
            if (current->prevEdge->pairingEdge && current->prevEdge->pairingEdge->pairingEdge == current) current->prevEdge->pairingEdge->pairingEdge = nullptr;
            delete current->prevEdge;
            current = current->nextEdge;
        } while (current != startEdge && current != nullptr);
        startEdge = nullptr;

    void HalfEdgeFace::setFaceForAllEdges()
        HalfEdgeEdge* current = startEdge;
            current->face = this;
            current = current->nextEdge;
        } while (current != startEdge);

    void HalfEdgeFace::forEachEdge(legion::core::delegate< void(HalfEdgeEdge*)> functionToExecute)
        HalfEdgeEdge* initialEdge = startEdge;
        HalfEdgeEdge* currentEdge = startEdge;

        if (!currentEdge) return;

        //the HalfEdgeEdge* 'startEdge' creates a ring buffer.
        //This means that initialEdge will eventually go back to "startEdge", ending the loop.
            HalfEdgeEdge* edgeToExecuteOn = currentEdge;
            currentEdge = currentEdge->nextEdge;

        } while (initialEdge != currentEdge && currentEdge->nextEdge != nullptr);


    void HalfEdgeFace::inverse()
        normal = -normal; // Inverse the normal

    bool HalfEdgeFace::testConvexity(const HalfEdgeFace& other) const
        if (other == *this)
            log::warn("Testing face with itself for convexity: returning true");
            return true;
        math::vec3 difference = startEdge->edgePosition - other.centroid;
        float scaledAngle = math::dot(difference, normal);

        // if the scaledAngle is smaller or equal to 0, it is not convex
        if (scaledAngle <= 0)
            return false;

        return true;

    bool HalfEdgeFace::makeNormalsConvexWithFace(HalfEdgeFace& other)
        if (other == *this)
            log::warn("Make normals for face convex with itself: returning false");
            return false;

        face_angle_relation relation= other.getAngleRelation(*this);

        if (relation == face_angle_relation::concave)
            return true;

        if (relation == face_angle_relation::coplanar)
            this->normal = other.normal;
            return true;


        //math::vec3 difference = startEdge->edgePosition - other.centroid;
        //float scaledAngle = math::dot(difference, normal);

        //if (scaledAngle < -math::epsilon<float>())
        //    inverse();
        //    return true;
        //else if (scaledAngle < math::epsilon<float>())
        //    this->normal = other.normal;
        //    log::warn("COPLANAR");
        //    return true;
        return false;

    bool HalfEdgeFace::makeNormalsConvexWithNeighbors(HalfEdgeFace& other)
        HalfEdgeEdge* start = this->startEdge;
        HalfEdgeEdge* end = nullptr;

       // {
       //     log::debug(":makeNormalsConvexWithNeighbors 1 ");
       //     if (start == other.startEdge->pairingEdge)
       //     {
       //         end = start;
       //         break;
       //     }

       //     start = start->nextEdge;
       // }
       // while (start != this->startEdge);
        end = HalfEdgeFace::findMiddleEdge(*this, other);

        if (end == nullptr)
            //log::debug("end == nullptr ");
            return false;

        start = end;
       // end = this->startEdge;

            //log::debug(":makeNormalsConvexWithNeighbors 2 ");

            HalfEdgeFace* face = start->pairingEdge->face;
            face_angle_relation relation = face->getAngleRelation(*this);

            if (relation == face_angle_relation::concave)
                //log::debug("inversing normals");
                return true;
            else if (relation == face_angle_relation::convex)
                return false;

            //if (relation == face_angle_relation::coplanar)
            //   // log::debug("COPLANAR");
            //    this->normal = other.normal;
            //    return true;

            start = start->nextEdge;
        } while (start != end);

        //log::debug("mission failed");
        return false;

    HalfEdgeFace::face_angle_relation HalfEdgeFace::getAngleRelation(const HalfEdgeFace& other)
        if (other == *this)
            log::warn("Calculating face angle relation between the same face, returning coplanar");
            return face_angle_relation::coplanar;

        //log::debug("IN FUNCTION face i {} face j {}", math::to_string(normal), math::to_string(other.normal));
        float distToPlane = math::pointToPlane(centroid, other.centroid, other.normal);
        //float distToPlane2 = math::pointToPlane(other.centroid, centroid, normal);
        /*log::debug("centroid {} other.centroid {} ", centroid, other.centroid);
        log::debug("distToPlane {} ", distToPlane);
        log::debug("distToPlane2 {} ", distToPlane2);
        log::debug("angle {} ", math::angleToPlane(centroid, other.centroid, other.normal));
        log::debug("angle2 {} ", math::angleToPlane(other.centroid, centroid, normal));*/
        //distToPlane2 = distToPlane;

        static float error = math::sqrt(math::epsilon<float>()) ;

        // if the distance to the face is negative, is it under the other face, therefore convex
        if (distToPlane <= -error)
            return face_angle_relation::convex;
        else if (distToPlane >= error)
            return face_angle_relation::concave;
        else return face_angle_relation::coplanar;

    bool HalfEdgeFace::testConvexity(const HalfEdgeFace& first, const HalfEdgeFace& second)
        if (first == second)
            log::warn("Testing face with itself for convexity: returning true");
            return true;
        return first.testConvexity(second) && second.testConvexity(first);

    bool HalfEdgeFace::makeNormalsConvexWithFace(HalfEdgeFace& first, HalfEdgeFace& second)
        if (first == second)
            log::warn("Make normals for face convex with itself: returning false");
            return false;
        bool inversedNormal = first.makeNormalsConvexWithFace(second);
        inversedNormal |= second.makeNormalsConvexWithFace(first);
        return inversedNormal;

     void HalfEdgeFace::mergeCoplanarNeighbors(std::vector<HalfEdgeFace*> & removed)

        HalfEdgeEdge* current = startEdge;
        if (this->normal != math::vec3(0, 0, 0))

            HalfEdgeFace* neigbor = current->pairingEdge->face;

            if (neigbor->normal != math::vec3(0, 0, 0))
                current = current->nextEdge;
            face_angle_relation relation = this->getAngleRelation(*neigbor);

            if (relation == face_angle_relation::coplanar)
                //log::debug("relation == face_angle_relation::coplanar in :mergeCoplanarNeighbors ");
                HalfEdgeEdge* middle = HalfEdgeFace::findMiddleEdge(*this, *neigbor);
                if (middle)

                    neigbor->normal = math::vec3();


           // this->mergeFaces
            current = current->nextEdge;
        while (current != startEdge);


    HalfEdgeEdge* HalfEdgeFace::findMiddleEdge(const HalfEdgeFace& first, const HalfEdgeFace& second)
        HalfEdgeEdge* firstCurrent = first.startEdge;
            HalfEdgeEdge* secondCurrent = second.startEdge;
                if (firstCurrent->pairingEdge == secondCurrent)
                    return firstCurrent;
                if (firstCurrent == secondCurrent->pairingEdge)
                    return firstCurrent;

                secondCurrent = secondCurrent->nextEdge;
            } while (secondCurrent != second.startEdge);
            firstCurrent = firstCurrent->nextEdge;
        } while (firstCurrent != first.startEdge);

        return nullptr;

    HalfEdgeFace* HalfEdgeFace::mergeFaces(HalfEdgeEdge& middleEdge)
        if (middleEdge.face->startEdge == &middleEdge)
            middleEdge.face->startEdge = middleEdge.face->startEdge->prevEdge;
        // Set correct faces
        HalfEdgeEdge* end = middleEdge.pairingEdge;
        HalfEdgeEdge* current = middleEdge.pairingEdge;
            current->face = middleEdge.face;
            current = current->nextEdge;
        } while (current != end);

        // Link edges
        middleEdge.prevEdge->nextEdge = middleEdge.pairingEdge->nextEdge;
        middleEdge.nextEdge->prevEdge = middleEdge.pairingEdge->prevEdge;
        middleEdge.pairingEdge->prevEdge->nextEdge = middleEdge.nextEdge;
        middleEdge.pairingEdge->nextEdge->prevEdge = middleEdge.prevEdge;

        HalfEdgeFace* face = middleEdge.face;

        // Recalculate centroid
            math::vec3 faceCenter{ 0.0f };
            int edgeCount = 0;

            auto calculateFaceCentroid = [&faceCenter, &edgeCount](HalfEdgeEdge* edge)
                math::vec3 pos = edge->edgePosition;
                faceCenter += pos;

            face->centroid = faceCenter / static_cast<float>(edgeCount);

        delete middleEdge.pairingEdge;
        delete& middleEdge;

        return face;

    void HalfEdgeFace::DEBUG_DrawFace(const math::mat4& transform,const math::color& debugColor,float time)

        auto drawFunc = [&transform,debugColor,time](HalfEdgeEdge* edge)
            edge->DEBUG_drawEdge(transform, debugColor, time);



        auto deleteFunc = [](HalfEdgeEdge* edge)
            if (edge->pairingEdge && edge->pairingEdge && edge->pairingEdge->pairingEdge == edge)
                edge->pairingEdge->pairingEdge = nullptr;
            delete edge;

