Program Listing for File buffer.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/core/compute/buffer.hpp)

#pragma once

#include "detail/cl_include.hpp" // cl_context , cl_mem , cl_mem_flags
#include <core/types/primitives.hpp> // byte, size_t

#include <string> // string

namespace legion::core::compute {

    enum class buffer_type : int
        WRITE_BUFFER = 1,
        READ_BUFFER = 2,

    inline buffer_type operator|(const buffer_type& lhs, const buffer_type& rhs)
        return static_cast<buffer_type>(static_cast<int>(lhs) | static_cast<int>(rhs));

    inline buffer_type& operator|=(buffer_type& lhs, const buffer_type& rhs)
        return lhs = lhs | rhs;

    class Buffer

        Buffer(cl_context, void*, size_type, size_type, size_type, cl_mem_object_type, cl_image_format*, buffer_type, std::string);
        Buffer(cl_context, cl_uint, buffer_type, bool, std::string);
        Buffer(cl_context, cl_uint, cl_uint, cl_uint, buffer_type, std::string);

        Buffer(cl_context, byte*, size_type, buffer_type, std::string);

        Buffer(Buffer&& b) noexcept;
        Buffer(const Buffer& b);

        //copy assign & move assign operator
        //are deleted since the Buffer
        Buffer& operator=(Buffer&&) noexcept = delete;
        Buffer& operator=(const Buffer&) = delete;

        void rename(const std::string& name);


        bool hasName() const
            return !m_name.empty();

        bool isReadBuffer() const { return m_type == CL_MEM_READ_ONLY || m_type == CL_MEM_READ_WRITE; }

        bool isWriteBuffer()const { return m_type == CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY || m_type == CL_MEM_READ_WRITE; }
        bool isValid() const { return m_data != nullptr; };
        friend class Program;
        friend class Kernel;

        std::string m_name;
        cl_mem m_memory_object;
        size_type* m_ref_count;
        cl_mem_flags m_type;
        byte* m_data;
        size_type m_size;