Program Listing for File audio_segment.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/runner/work/Legion-Engine/Legion-Engine/legion/engine/audio/data/audio_segment.hpp)

#pragma once
#include <core/core.hpp>
#include <mutex>
#if !defined(DOXY_EXCLUDE)
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
namespace legion::audio
    struct audio_segment
        ALuint audioBufferId;

        /* Channels included, byte size = samples*sizeof(int16) */
        size_type samples;
        int channels, sampleRate, layer, avg_bitrate_kbps;

        audio_segment() = default;

        audio_segment(byte* data, ALuint bufferId, size_type samples, int channels, int sampleRate, int layer, int avg_bitRate);

        audio_segment(const audio_segment& other);

        audio_segment(audio_segment&& other);

        audio_segment& operator=(const audio_segment& other);

        audio_segment& operator=(audio_segment&& other);


        // Read-Write
        byte* getData()
            return m_data;

        // Read only
        const byte* getData() const
            return m_data;

        void setNextAudioSegment(audio_segment& next)
            m_next = &next;

        audio_segment* getNextAudioSegment()
            return m_next;

        audio_segment* clearNextAudioSegment()
            audio_segment* next = m_next;
            m_next = nullptr;
            return next;

        static std::unordered_map<id_type, uint> m_refs;
        static std::mutex m_refsLock;
        static id_type m_lastId;
        id_type m_id;
        byte* m_data;

        audio_segment* m_next = nullptr;

    struct audio_import_settings
        enum struct channel_processing_setting : int
            none = 0,
        } channel_processing;

    const audio_import_settings default_audio_import_settings{ audio_import_settings::channel_processing_setting::none };

    struct audio_segment_handle
        id_type id;
        std::pair<async::rw_spinlock&, audio_segment&> get() const;

        operator id_type () { return id; }

    const audio_segment_handle invalid_audio_segment_handle{ invalid_id };

    class AudioSegmentCache
        friend struct audio_segment_handle;
        static audio_segment_handle createAudioSegment(const std::string& name, const fs::view& file, audio_import_settings settings = default_audio_import_settings);
        static audio_segment_handle getAudioSegment(const std::string& name);
        static void unload();
        static void createAudioSegment(const std::string& name, audio_segment* segment);

        // Unorderer map to store all unique audio segments
        // Each audio segment has a unique id using name hash
        // Each segment also needs a rw_spinlock for thread safety
        static std::unordered_map<id_type, std::unique_ptr<std::pair<async::rw_spinlock, audio_segment>>> m_segments;

        static async::rw_spinlock m_segmentsLock;