Class DepthOfField

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class legion::rendering::DepthOfField : public legion::rendering::PostProcessingEffect<DepthOfField>

Public Functions

virtual void setup(app::window &context) override

setup The setup function of the post processing effect.

  • context: The current context that is being used inside of the effect.

void renderPass(framebuffer &fbo, RenderPipelineBase *pipeline, camera &cam, const camera::camera_input &camInput, time::span deltaTime)

renderPass The function that is called every frame.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • pipeline: The pipeline used for this particular effect.

  • cam: The camera object holding the camera data.

  • camInput: The matrix data used to do everything 3D math-i.

  • deltaTime: Current delta time.

void areaOfFocus(texture_handle &color_texture, const camera::camera_input &camInput, texture_handle &position_texture)

areaOfFocus Calculates what is in focus and what is not.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

  • camInput: The matrix data used to do everything 3D math-i.

  • position_texture: The scene position texture collected from the framebuffer.

void preFilter(framebuffer &fbo, texture_handle &color_texture)

preFilter Pre-bokeh pass, also used to resize the color texture.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

void bokeh(framebuffer &fbo, texture_handle &color_texture)

bokeh The bokeh blur pass, blurs all everything that is outside focus range.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

void postFilter(framebuffer &fbo, texture_handle &color_texture)

postFilter The post filter pass blurs the bokeh effect to look like a more solid blur.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

void combine(framebuffer &fbo, texture_handle &color_texture)

combine The combine pass combines the area of focus, bokeh and color texture.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

void renderResults(framebuffer &fbo, texture_handle &texture, texture_handle &color_texture)

renderResults This pass is to properly display the right texture at the end.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.

  • color_texture: The scene color texture collected from the framebuffer.

std::tuple<bool, texture_handle, texture_handle> getTextures(framebuffer &fbo)

getTextures Gets all the necessary textures from the framebuffer.


Returns a tuple of a bool, stating if it managed to get the textures and the other 2 are getting the color and position texture.

  • fbo: The framebuffer used for this particular effect.